Total price:

"We will be back" t-shirt

14.03 EUR
15.43 USD
1,650.00 RSD


  • For customers from Serbia prices in RSD apply
  • For customers from abroad prices in EUR / USD apply


    If any Product is temporarily out of stock, you will be informed as soon as possible by email.

    A shipment contribution fee, according to the country of shipment, will be applied to your order and it will be specified on the Checkout page.
    Product name: "We will be back" t-shirt
    All customer rights are guaranteed based on the law on consumer protection.

    Black t-shirt with chetnik emblem and cyrillic incription "We will be back" on the front side, and with large emblem of chetnik Dinara division o the back side.

    Average rating (9.545) 9.545

    05-Sep-2012 11:54:05
    Mark 10
    Postarina iznosi 184 dinara za slanje na teritoriji Srbije.
    02-Sep-2012 21:32:50
    Mark 10
    Koliko je poštarina?
    16-Jul-2012 16:54:55
    Mark 10

    Nije mi jasno sta pricate o boji..

    Ova boja je idealna, za ovu majicu. KIDA! :D
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